Welcome to our Lone Pine High School (LPHS), home of the golden eagles! We are located on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada mountains and at the base of Mount Whitney. Mt. Whitney is the highest mountain in the contiguous United States at 14,505 elevation! We are a small high school with 105 students in grades 9-12. We offer a wide variety of athletic teams and we an unbelievable Future Farmers of American (FFA) Program. In addition, we have partnered with Cerro Coso Community College and we offer dual enrollment classes taught by three of our Lone Pine High School teachers. Dual enrollment classes give our students credit from Cerro Coso Community College and LPHS credit. Lastly, our eagle graduates are:
Empowered and Effective Communicators
Active and Ambitious Team Members
Globally Conscious and Locally Involved
Employable Individuals
Socially and Emotionally Healthy Adults
We welcome you to Lone Pine High School!
Nancy O'Sullivan, Principal