Our Farm » What We're Doing

What We're Doing


“Mrs. Lacey?” A voice calls from the back of the room “Wouldn’t it be cool if we got a Llama for the farm?” Laughter echoes through the packed room, but even though it seems hilarious at first, as the idea settles in, people begin to realize that a Llama might be a cool thing. The second time he mentions it, a lively discussion follows about where the Lone Pine FFA Farm might actually get a Llama.  By the thirtieth time he brings it up, the Llama for our FFA farm has quite a few supporters in the room.

Two months later, Kenny, the resident Llama of the Lone Pine FFA farm arrived to seventy two excited FFA members, and that was just the beginning!

Currently, the Lone Pine High School FFA Farm is home to Kenny the Llama, Stanley the Alpaca, Layla the donkey, four goats, three miniature horses, two cats, and an assortment of chickens.  Every year members have different ideas of what projects we want to have at the farm.  Last year, top suggestions were peacocks and running ducks, so far this year, Kenny the Llama took top prize for best idea for the farm.

Our farm was built on the ideas of our members, but the animals are just the beginning.  We also have twenty fruit trees, a seasonal livestock unit where we keep sheep and hogs that members are raising for the Junior Livestock Auction, two tractors, a showmanship ring, two gardens, and a brand new Beef Unit. Many members use our FFA farm to carry out their ideas for their SAE’s, we have four members raising steers in the Beef Unit, and one member who cares for the chickens.

Lone Pine FFA members are always on the move, coming up with ideas, and then trying them out to see what happens. Our advisor Mrs. Lacey always keeps us thinking and tells us in so many ways that if we are willing to work hard, almost anything can work out!

A few months later the same voice calls out during a discussion on parliamentary procedure. “Mrs. Lacey?” everyone is silent, waiting to here what he has come up with this time “Can we get a Long horn for the farm?” Everyone laughs, but you never know, because at our Idea Farm, anything is possible.